Cicada Emerging
November, 2003
Cicadas are everywhere in Sydney, and when I was little I used to catch them, and was always on the lookout for the elusive "Black Prince". Finding the empty cicada shells is easy, but a few years ago I found one emerging from its shell. The pics below are over a period of about an hour. I must admit, I eventually got a bit tired of waiting to see what colour he/she was going to be, and went away for a bit. Unfortunately it had flown away by the time I came back. I suspect it was a Green Grocer, but I guess I'll never know....
Nonetheless, it was pretty cool....
Addendum...I decided to do a quick image search of cicadas (I don't even recall why now), but I found a pic of a greengrocer emerging, and it was already green before it emerged so I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's a "Yellow Monday". If you're interested, more stuff on cicadas at the ABC.