Ringarooma to Turner's Marsh
February 21st, 2001
Today was hot! Damn hot! It started with up, up, up from Ringarooma, then a "yeehaaa" down. After that it was quite undulating.
By mid-morning the heat was oppressive with the sun beating down from above, and radiant heat from the road cooking us from below.
Before long, we discovered a difference in how we handled heat. Rick and I felt better riding getting the vague breeze generated by riding, Cathy and Dilys felt better with regular breaks in the shade.
We decided that the best course of action was to split into pairs and meet up at the Clover Hill Winery.
At the winery Rick and I tasted the champagnes (oops, sorry, sparkling whites) and decided to purchase a bottle along with a Clover Hill champagne stopper.
Along with a couple of borrowed glasses, we sat on a lovely green lawn, under a very large tree and had a couple of glasses of champagne while waiting for Dilys and Cathy.
After several hours we decided that they must have seen the sign indicating that the winery was 500m and thought "forget that". Turns out we were correct and we met up further down the road near the turn-off to the B & B.
As it was such a stinking hot day photo taking was obviously not high on the agenda, so just one....here I am patting a brass dog at the winery.