Welcome to Cycling Kanagroo!
This website is a work in progress, and I am using my production website for testing! (gasp!), and I go through spurts of activity in updating things.
Just in case you think you've come to a gung-ho cycling website, let's dispell that myth straight up. I'm a stop and smell the flowers type of person, so my focus is on enjoying the day, not getting as many k's under my belt as possible. If you want to check out the cycle tours I've done, follow this link
While I've done quite a few bushwalks over the years, that part of the website is rather light on. One day I'll expand it a bit. Maybe....
Here's a pic of my very first bike. I used this beasty when I was living in the US. As you can imagine, I didn't ride it much during the Montana winter.

I've upgraded since then, and here's my latest steed, with my faithful companion Pooky.