The Bird Walk, Canberra
September 6th, 2006
Had some fun feeding the birds at "The Bird Walk" in Canberra. You get apple to feed the birds, it was FUN.
This beautiful Golden Parrot was my favourite. "Is this my best side?"
"Hello Gorgeous" wink, wink. "Can I jump up on your shoulder?"
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This is a Superb Parrot. I wonder how he got that name :- )
The 'ol Rainbow Lorikeet may be common, but they are still marvelous.
And they are also pushy! See my friend, the Golden Parrot flying away. He came back around and sat on my right shoulder though.
Getting my hair mussed up!
Check out those feathers!
Greedy guts!
Ummm, I can't find this one. Anyone know the name?
Okay, so I have a lot of pics of the rainbows. They were on my hands, on my shoulder, on my head, on my camera....
Let's just call her "Saffron"
Goldie's having a munch on the button of my jacket.
These two budgies appear to be seeing 'eye-to-eye'
This is "Pauley". He's a Ring Necked Parrot and comes from India....I wonder however if he thinks he's a flamingo, the way he's standing on one leg....
Let's see, a couple of budgies, an oldish looking King Parrot (or maybe a juvenile!), a Superb, a umm, ahhh, a "blue tummy?" and a couple of "pinky necks?"....
Okay, so the "Superb" was photogenic...
Umm, here's another ummm "pinky neck?"
Another Lorikeet but as yet haven't found the name. I know he's not a Rainbow, or a Musk, or a Scaly Breasted or a Red-Collared or an Emerald or a Purple Crowned...Sigh. Up to page 24 of Google Images and while I've seen him, no names. If anyone knows....
Here's that Superb fellow again...
A Golden Pheasant - he's a foreigner...
.DIlys reckons this fellow is a foreigner. Don't know myself....
I think this little fella is a finch of some sort.
Umm, yeah, so I like Rainbow Lorikeets :- )
Aren't digital cameras great! You can just keep taking pikkies!
And keep taking pikkies! No more "just one shot and hope it turns out".....
Ummm, some spotty bird I though was pretty....